04 October 2007

Sunny outside

Thursday already - this week has really flown past.

So much has happened since my last entry on here - for starters I had a very enjoyable week in the Lake District with Odd Thomas. The weather wasn't as nice we were expecting but it was still nice to get away and see a part of the country that I'd never been to before.

Most of this week I've been going through my 1000 ish photographs and trying to get them into a reasonable order for posting onto Flickr - I've been posting them up at one day of holiday per day - its not so stressful that way :O) and you can remember the places that you went which is even better.

What else has happened...well Paul my housemate left his job at Seat after ten days and is now working at Jaguar instead - hes swanning about in a brand new X-type with a sports kit which looks pretty flash (even if it is an old mans car !) lol

I'm catless at the minute too - CJ got adopted the week before my holiday which was good for him - I did left myself get a bit down in the dumps after he went which is silly really - I'll have to try not to get so attached to them in future but its quite difficult. I'm waiting to hear from the girls at the RSPCA as they said they would call me when they had something suitable for me.

My car goes in for its first MOT on Saturday, I'll be like a proud parent taking their kid to the first day at school ! Thats assuming it passes, if not its up to the knackers yard and Honda Civic here I come - woo hoo !

I'm off to see my friend Sarah this evening (Shes the one that got me started on fostering cats) not seen her for a while so it should be a nice evening of wine and nibbles.

catch you later on

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