I've never really felt that the weekends are long enough. Not that I usually do anything very exciting, but I could do with more than just the two days off from work - do you know what I mean ?
This weekend was quite busy for me. I went to my brothers in South Harrow yesterday for a BBQ and to see his two new rabbits Smokey and Sandy. They are a real handful and want to be into everything, bless 'em. The BBQ was good and as usual, there was far too much food on offer - thankfully I showed a great deal of resolve and didn't over stuff myself.
Today I've been very industrious ! Anybody that knows me will tell you of my love for getting a bargain and stocking up on things that are on BOGOF in the supermarkets. As a result my very small kitchen often looks like a corner shop with stuff piled up on top of the units. So my plan was to buy a couple of kitchen wall units and put them up in the lean to next to my kitchen. Anyway, I wandered into Watford to begin with and found a bargain carpet shampooer thing in TJ Hughes which was going for half price (Since I've had the cat, she brings all sorts of stuff in on her paws and its a bit too much for the hoover to cope with) HALF PRICE, well it was rude not to :O)
Then I went to Wickes and bought a plain white cabinet which although cheap, turned out to be very solid when assembled. Getting it level on the wall was a bit of a performance but it looks straight and hasn't fallen off yet.
Then I decided to give the carpet shampooer a go - after ten minutes using it I can see why it was half price ! Well to be fair it is very effective at sucking the mess off the floor, but the racket it makes it unbelievable. At first it just sounded like a regular vacuum cleaner, but then it started to whistle - and the whistle got louder and louder and more ear piercing - in the end I had to plug my ears with cotton wall balls to stop them from bleeding ! Thankfully the noise was worth the effort as the carpets and rug are drying up very nicely.
Last job of the day was to cut the back lawn. Since the demise of Chunky and Fluffy I've had to buy a mower and cut the grass every couple of weeks - I just never realised that they ate so much of it ! it makes me hanker for getting another couple of rabbits before too long :O)
So now its 7 pm on a sunday night, I'm just letting a rather large dinner of sausages, mash and fried onions with gravy settle down, them I'm going for a quick walk round the block - like I said, two days off just isn't enough !
Your skill at picking up bargains is now legendary!
I don't think I'll ever forget walking into your kitchen and seeing those boxes of Special K lined up side-by-side across the top of your wall units ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE KITCHEN!!
Did you just pick up the whole shelf?? ;-)
hmm, maybe that was a bit excessive but think how much I saved !
You've not seen the Charmin mountain behind the bathroom door - I think at its worst point I had 180 rolls !
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