10 July 2008

Two hundred and seventy days !

Well will you look at that, three quarters of a years gone past since my last post and I bet you didn't miss me at all !

And so much has happened, went to the lake District with Odd Thomas, adopted a cat, had Christmas, had my birthday (don't ask - ok 46th !), bought a new car, had Easter, lost Chunky and had to have Fluffy put to sleep.

So now I'm getting used to being 'rabbitless' for the first time since I moved into my house nearly 11 years ago. I will get another one or two eventually, but not for a couple of months yet. I did go to a place called Fairydell Farm just outside of Apsley last weekend, as they have a big selection of rabbits, but there was nothing that really grabbed me. Its going to take something special to replace those two bundles of fluff and hair.

Still, my brother and his girlfriend bought two bunnies a couple of weeks ago, so I've been invited over there this weekend to give them a fuss (the rabbits, not my brother!

I've got to get back into the swing of this blogging aagin !

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