30 July 2007

too many cooks

Well here we are again – is it really a week since I started keeping this thing – time flies :O)

I had quite a good weekend, I bought the decking for my garden path (hopefully this is the end of the spending now), assembled my raised bed made out of the railway sleepers, did loads of stuff around the house, went out to Cambridge and baked a cake!

On the downside, my oven which is coming up to four months old decided to throw a wobbly and started cutting out without warning. The first time it happened on Saturday afternoon, I just thought there had been a power surge because the display panel was flashing.
Last night I had whipped all the cake mix together and had the oven on to pre heat – just as it was coming up to temperature the oven died again. Thankfully I did manage to get it back on again for long enough to bake the cake, but when I later tried cooking my chicken for today’s lunch it took 3 attempts and almost an hour to cook. As you can guess the end result is a little like chewing on a lump of biltong rather than ‘succulent chicken breast in a crispy crumb coating’.
Talking of cooking I noticed in Sainsbury’s at the weekend a range of stuff called ‘2 minute meals’ – basically it’s a whole meal in a plastic sachet that you zap and then eat – I know its probably riddled with additives and e numbers but I was sorely tempted to try it – if only it had been on BOGOF

BOGOF = Buy one get one free


OddThomas said...

One week and you're still here - that's a good sign! Something to keep those quiet moments at work occupied ;-)

Have you seen in Sainsburys the meals in plastic bowls? Things like chilli chicken with pasta. I had one of them once and it wasn't too bad, but like anything like this, its not as good as cooking it yourself.

Foshie said...

Its probably the same stuff, just repackaged with a catchy new name. In fact the chilli chicken with pasta rings a bell, now that you mention it :O)

You'd have to be only slightly hungry though, those bowls wouldn't fill you up for very long !