Isn’t it funny how a couple of sunny days can raise the spirits. After the last dismal few weeks I’ve been fairly flying out of the bed in the mornings. Its so much easier waking up to sunshine and blue skies than the pattering of rain on the windows
Having said that I’ve not been sleeping too well lately, although that’s not entirely down to me. Firstly my flatmate has been away on holiday, so I think I’m more conscious of noises in the night. Floorboards that creak or the sound of the neighbours shutting their bedroom doors disturbs me.
The second cause of my disturbed sleep is down to CJ, my latest foster cat. Now he’s always craved a bit of attention and wants picking up or fussing at every opportunity, but in the past few nights CJ had taken to getting under the quilt with me. Now I don’t have any problems with him sleeping on the bed as he’s spotlessly clean, but I wasn’t too sure about him getting under the quilt – more for the fact that I could lay on him in the night or he could possibly have trouble breathing under there.
It started off on Friday night when he woke me up by laying across my neck – now I’ve always been wary of cats doing that, ever since I saw the Stephen King film where the cat creeps up and tries to suck that sleeping kids breath away. So I moved him off and he sort of stuck his head under the duvet cautiously getting further underneath – he stayed there for a good couple of hours before waking me up when he got out
So that’s been the routine since, he follows me up to bed, walks around the edge of the bed a couple of times before vanishing under the covers for the night.
I’ll have to tell Paul the lodger that I’ve had a hot pussy in my bed for the past few nights – he’d never believe me ;O)
1 comment:
"...he could have trouble breathing under there" ... are you suffering from gastric wind again?! Poor cat!!
Gotta correct you on Cat's Eye: the cat didn't steal the girls breath, it actually saved the girl from the little gnome creature that was stealing her breath!
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