02 February 2011

Wednesday - halfway done

Its odd how some weeks can really fly by, yet others can drag like nothing on earth - thankfully this one seems to be fairly whizzing past.

I managed to haul myself out of the house and hit the gym last night, unfortunately there were no burly firemen in the building this time :O(   Despite that I felt quite pleased to have burned off another 600 calories (400 crosstrainer, 100 rowing machine and 100 treadmill) I even managed to jog for most of the time on the treadmill, without feeling any noticeable pain in my legs.

I did make a mistake and got on the vibro plate machine at the end of my session. For those of you not familiar, it looks like one of the weighing scales that you get in a doctors surgery - basically you stand or rest on the base plate, press a few buttons and it buzzes away for 30, 45 or 60 seconds.
Anyway, I got on the plate, tweaked the settings and hit the start button - I was expecting it to be a gentle buzz but it was more akin to digging up the road with a pneumatic drill ! 

Talk about shaking your fillings lose !


Brian said...

As long as nothing else fell out your okay! Not that i'm saying your slack or anything...

Foshie said...

How very dare you, I'm as watertight as a whales blow hole !