10 August 2007


Been really tired for the past couple of days and severely lacking in motivation, so theres not a great deal to write about.

Work has been ok this week, made better by the fact that I've done too many hours so I have to finish at 1:00 today so as not to lose my Flexitime! I'm hoping to make good use of the day by going to B&Q on the way home to buy some decking stain - then I can get that treated this afternoon.

Going to Cambridge at the weekend with my friend - going out for a bite to eat and a drink with some mates - looks like it should be a nice night out.

anyway, thats about all for now - watch this space eh !

** Friday afternoon update - Couldn't find the decking stain that I wanted in either B&Q or Homebase - they had loads of products but none that were the right colour. And the hunt for 'colour changing LED lights' drew a blank as well - I'll look on the internet later.


OddThomas said...

Come on then ... what happened at the weekend?!?!

Foshie said...

ok, its coming