08 August 2007

Film night

I went to see Transformers last night with Paul my housemate (he didn’t like being called ‘Paul the Lodger’, probably because it sounded like a challenge!) and Odd Thomas. Having never seen any of the original cartoons I didn’t really know anything about Transformers apart from them being cars that turned into robots or vice versa.

The action started within a couple of minutes of the film credits and was pretty constant all the way through the whole two and a half hours. My only gripes were that some of the ‘transforming scenes’ did go on a bit too long, and that when the robots were battling, the camera view seemed to be in too close – it might have been better to see the whole fight scene rather than up close – still I guess that would have pushed up the special effects budget.

Overall it was a good evening and probably helped to take Pauls mind off the car accident that he had on the way home – now if only he could get that Rav4 to transform and repair itself he’d be laughing !

Another good thing about the cinema are the trailers, there were three previews that really caught my eye. Stardust, Run Fatboy Run and Superbad – take a look at Stardust especially, that one looks really promising.

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