I decided that it was time that I fitted a cat flap.
When I just had Jade I used to leave my bedroom window open at night and she could jump in and out as she liked. Good during the summer but not so hot in the winter when she'd be soaking wet and still insist in walking across my face to get to her side of the bed - typical woman. Since Sooty has moved in as well, I started to close the window as it was just too much with both of them coming and going all night - added to that the glass roof that they jump down onto is really quite unsafe now and I didn't want them cutting their paws or anything like that.
So yesterday I went to Pets at Home and found a rather neat cat flap that wasn't hugely expensive (you'd not believe the price of some of them, shocking !!), and I fitted it this morning.
Sooty seems to have taken to it like a duck to water, hopping in and out quite happily. Jade on the other hand isn't too sure at the minute. I was trying to coax her to use it and she sniffed at it, but still sat there miaowing for the door to be opened. Its amazing how the sight of the flea spray bottle can focus the mind - I've just got to see if she can make it back in now !
In other news I went to PC World yesterday to see if they had this wireless keyboard thing that I've been looking for - bearing in mind on their website its advertised for £82.00, it was on the shelf at £134.99, but the box looked as if it had been dropped, trampled underfoot and had everything done to it to make it unsaleable. When I asked the assistant about the shop price, he said that I could 'buy' it online and collect it from the store, saving myself around £55 which is good, IF they had a different one in stock. I got home and tried to buy it online but the site told me that Watford Arches doesnt have any in stock, "but they do" I argued to a very uninterested pc screen. I'm debating whether to go in and buy the one on the shlef, but haggle for a bigger discount as it might be suffering from its boxy beating - decisions decisions !
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