Ok, this isn't the most pleasant of posts but I've got to post it !
I bought the cats some treats at the weekend, as I'd been to the pet shop to get them a sack of food. I've recently been spraying stuff with catnip scent which they seem to love, so when I saw a bag of catnip treats I thought they would go down really well.
When I got home and opened them, Sooty turned his nose up and walked away - Jade on the other hand ate her pile, then ate all Sootys ones, and stood there miaowing for more.
The following morning I was 'clearing up' and had to empty the litter tray, oddly enough the catnip treats come out exactly the same colour as they go in - dark bottle green !!!
yeuch ! (and no photos coming either - I promise )
Thank you for sharing that with us, i'm not feeling well now.
it was a lovely shade of green, just not what you'd expect :)
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